BitStake DAO
Explanation of the purpose and benefits of DAO governing BitStake Protocol
BitStake DAO is the governing body for both Staking Platform & Launchpad. BitStake DAO will hold the treasury of BitStake & also perform the regular burn activities related to BitStake official token as well.
DAO Governance in BitStake Protocol
DAO governs and oversees various aspects of the BitStake Protocol ecosystem, including the staking platform and launchpad
DAO will be the governing body of the treasury & ensure that funds are properly used
Overview of the decision-making processes and mechanisms within the DAO.
DAO members: Individuals who hold governance tokens and participate in decision-making
DAO Proposals
Official Bitstake token holders can submit a proposal for DAO voting, along with the timeframe, cost involved & other details.
Once proposal is submitted its open for voting & if it's reached the quorum decided by the DAO, it will be implemented accordingly.
Implementing Approved Proposals
DAO is responsible for implementing proposals that have been approved.
DAO ensures that there is proper collaboration between DAO administrators, developers, and relevant stakeholders.
Timeline and rollout details should be properly communicated to the community.
Note: More details on governance token coming soon. Join us on discord and twitter.
Last updated